There are many types of fonts but not all are enabled on all browsers and computers.
CSS provides a system of fallbacks, where you list the font that you want first, then fonts that might fill in for the first if it is unavailable,
and you should end the list with a generic font,
of which there are five: serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive and fantasy.
Note, if the font name contains more than one word, it is necessary to put quotation marks.
font-family: Times New Roman font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
font-family: Arial font-family: Arial, Times, serif;
font-family: Arial Black font-family: "Arial Black", Times, serif;
font-family: Comic Sans MS font-family: "Comic Sans MS", Times, serif;
font-family: Constantia font-family: Constantia, Times, serif;
font-family: Courier font-family: Courier, Times, serif;
font-family: Ebrima font-family: Ebrima, Times, serif;
font-family: Impact font-family: Impact, Times, serif;
font-family: Ink Free font-family: "Ink Free", Times, serif;
font-family: Microsoft Himalaya font-family: "Microsoft Himalaya", Times, serif
font-family: Small Fonts font-family: "Small Fonts", Times, serif;
font-family: Gabriola font-family: Gabriola, Times, serif;
font-family: Cursive font-family: Cursive, Times, serif;
font-family: Verdana font-family: Verdana, Times, serif;
font-family: MV Boli font-family: "MV Boli", Times, serif;
font-family: Mongolian Baliti "Mongolian Baliti", Times, serif;
font-family: Microsoft Himalaya font-family: "Microsoft Himalaya", Times, serif;
font-family: Bahnschrift font-family: Bahnschrift, Times, serif;
font-family: "Bahnschrift Condendsed" font-family: "Bahnschrift Condendsed"
font-family: Lucida Sans font-family: "Lucida Sans"
font-family: MS Gothic font-family: "Ink Free", Times, serif;
font-family: Marlett font-family: Marlett
font-family: Segoe Print font-family: "Segoe Print", Times, serif;
font-family: NSimSun font-family: NSimSun, Times, serif;
font-family: System font-family: Bahnschrift, Times, serif;
font-family: Franklin Ghotics Medium font-family: "Franklin Ghotics Medium", Times, serif;
font-family: Tahoma font-family: Tahoma, Times, serif;