When working with CSS, two common properties you'll encounter are margin and padding.
While both are used to create spacing, they serve different purposes and behave differently.
Understanding the distinction between these properties is essential for designing layouts effectively.

What is Margin?

The margin property creates space outside an element. It defines the distance between the element and its surrounding elements.
Margins affect how close or far an element is from other elements or the edges of its parent container.
Margins do not affect the size of the element itself. Instead, they push the element away from its neighbors.

What is Padding?

The padding property, on the other hand, creates space inside an element.
It determines the distance between the content of the element (such as text or an image) and the element's border.
Padding increases the size of the element's box because it adds space within the element’s boundaries.

Key Differences

Aspect Margin Padding
Placement Outside the element, creating space between elements. Inside the element, adding space around content.
Affects Size? No, it doesn't increase the element's size. Yes, it increases the element's box size.
Impact on Layout Adjusts the spacing between neighboring elements. Expands the space within the element’s boundaries.

Examples margin and padding properties

Here’s a practical examples to visualize the difference:

<button type="button">BUTTON</button>

.margin {

.padding {

margin: 50 px from element boundaries

some text
some text
some text

padding: 50px generate space inside element's content

some text
some text
some text

Margin and padding together: 50 px from element boundaries and 50px generate space inside element's content

some text
some text
some text

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