HTML Table Tags

The table is defined using the <table> and </table> tags.
Tables consist of columns and rows that are created using the following tags:

<tr> TABLE ROWS </tr> this tag is used to create rows in a table
<th> TABLE HEADER </th> this tag is used to create table header
<td> TABLE DATA </td> this tag is used to create a table cells for a table data

<caption> TABLE CAPTION </caption> tag defines the caption (or title) of a table. This tag must be inserted immediately after the <table> tag

HTML Tables Examples

<caption>GEOGRAPHICAL OVERVIEW</caption>
    <td>New Delhi</td>

country capital currency
America Washington dollar
Russia Moscow ruble
Germany Berlin euro
China Beijing yuan
India New Delhi rupee

 <table border="1">  
<caption>GEOGRAPHICAL OVERVIEW</caption>
    <td>New Delhi</td>

country capital currency
America Washington dollar
Russia Moscow ruble
Germany Berlin euro
China Beijing yuan
India New Delhi rupee

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