It is very important for beginners to have an overview of all the JavaScript language tutorials that they need to master.
This is list of the main components of the JavaScript language and provides a foundation for further use and learning.
Methods for displaying results to users, such as console.log(), alert(), document.write().
Used to store data. Declared using var, let, and const.
Ways to select HTML elements for manipulation. For example, document.querySelector(), document.getElementById().
Functions that are part of objects, such as array.push(), string.toUpperCase().
Blocks of code that can be invoked with or without parameters, using the function keyword or arrow functions () => {}.
Symbols that perform operations on values, such as arithmetic (+, -, *, /), relational (==, ===, !=, >, <), and logical (&&, ||, !) operators.
Used for repeating code, such as for, while, do...while, for...of,
Technique for asynchronously loading data from a server without refreshing the page, using XMLHttpRequest or the fetch API.
Blueprints for creating objects, introducing object-oriented programming, using the class keyword.
Data structures that store collections of properties and methods, e.g., { key: value }.
Actions that a user or the system can perform, such as mouse clicks or key presses. Handling events using addEventListener().
Special objects for storing multiple values, e.g., [1, 2, 3].
Objects representing a future value, used for asynchronous programming, e.g., new Promise(), promise.then(), promise.catch().
A format for data exchange, easily readable by humans and machines, e.g., JSON.parse(), JSON.stringify().
The visibility of variables in different parts of the code, e.g., global and local scope.
Functions that "remember" their lexical scope even when executed outside of it.
Functions passed as arguments to other functions and executed after an operation is completed.
Syntactic sugar for working with promises, allowing asynchronous code to be written as if it were synchronous.
Mechanisms for organizing and sharing code between different files and applications, using export and import.
Mechanisms for catching and processing errors, e.g., try...catch.